The Results Are In!

With the recent releases of Star Trek and Land of the Lost (both, previously discussed on this blog…sort of),  John’s Thoughts on Film thought it would be a good idea to ask our readers to help the major studios identify the next 20th century TV series that is most deserving of a 21st century big-screen treatment. The response was overwhelming, but the results are not a surprise.

And the winner is….

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Trilogies. Skipping is not recommended.

Everyone knows that you don’t go from Star Wars to Return of the Jedi without seeing The Empire Strikes Back first. Same goes for The Lord of the Rings–you don’t just skip The Two Towers and jump right to Return of the King. That would be a huge mistake. You’d never be able to follow the story.

Unfortunately, I think I’ve made just such a mistake.

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Captain’s Log: STAR TREK is Back (Again)!

So this past weekend, I considered seeing the new Star Trek movie based on the 1966-69 NBC television series starring William Shatner (who was not chosen to play a young James T. Kirk in this new film….make that make sense), but then I decided to take a nap instead. We arrived at home after not going to the theatre, and discovered the bedroom had been infested with flying ants…so no nap.

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My World Premiere

Greetings from the forest! Welcome to the most fascinating blog I’ve ever written! This blog is actually an assignment for my Web 2.o class, and this is my first post.

The formal assignment requires me to choose a blog topic from one of 7 or 8 predetermined categories. While I picked “movies,” anyone who knows me well knows that I am really more of a TV person than a movie person. As luck would have it, the dictionary that came with the MacBook on which I am now typing defines a movie as: “a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television,” so I think I’m covered. While the title of this blog is “John’s thoughts on film,” expect me to cover the broader spectrum to which the subtitle refers—pictures that move.

And Happy 20th Anniversary to my friends, Brian and Samantha. Over the past 20 years, I’ve watched a lot of pictures that move with them.